Birth about 724 35 34
MarriageThierry d'AutunView this family

Death of a motherRotrude von Trier
about 724
Birth of a brotherBernard de St Quentin
about 730 (Age 6 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherWillagarde Agilofinges
about 732 (Age 8 years)
Death of a fatherCharles Martel of the Franks
about 741 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a son
Saint William de Gellone
about 755 (Age 31 years)
Death of a brotherPepin III “The Short” King of the Franks
about 768 (Age 44 years)
Death of a husbandThierry d'Autun
about 804 (on the date of death)
Death about 804 (Age 80 years)