Bly Family


Agnes Mary MohrAge: 87 years19121999

Agnes Mary Mohr
Given names
Agnes Mary
Birth January 18, 1912 32 34
Birth of a sisterMary Catherine Mohr
April 22, 1914 (Age 2 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherJohann Baptiste Manertz
January 13, 1915 (Age 2 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherAgnis Pull
June 26, 1932 (Age 20 years)
Cause: Stroke
Death of a motherMary Catherine Manertz
March 19, 1956 (Age 44 years)
Death of a fatherFrederick William Mohr Sr
March 16, 1959 (Age 47 years)
Death of a sisterMary Catherine Mohr
February 8, 1977 (Age 65 years)
Cause: Cancer
Death of a brotherFrederick Willian “Bill” Mohr Jr
March 29, 1990 (Age 78 years)
Death January 28, 1999 (Age 87 years)
Cause of death: Heart
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 27, 1906Ettelbruck, Diekirch, Luxembourg
3 years
elder brother
21 months
elder sister
16 months
agnesmohr.gifAgnes Mary Mohr
Birth: January 18, 1912 32 34Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, USA
Death: January 28, 1999Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, USA
2 years
younger sister
marymohr.gifMary Catherine Mohr
Birth: April 22, 1914 34 36Moorhead, Clay County, Minnesota, USA
Death: February 8, 1977Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, USA

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