James Bly Research

Claude to Austin Odell 1915.pdf

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Claude O'Dell to Mr Austin O'Dell April 19th, 1915

Dear Father & All

Am glad you telephoned to me Saturday night so I know just how Ma is. It is pretty tough on you & I guess tougher on her. I should think if Daisy is able to run around so much she might help you take care of Ma some. She was telling me she wanted to get home so fastto help take

care of her. Any how she could be a little more pleasant and not so cranky. She perhaps will have to get over the idea she is the only person. Other people have had babies & not been so ill tempered & I guess she could be a little less so if she tried. I wish I could be there to help you some. I do hope you can get Mrs Elliot to come for awhile.

Wwe are all ok. I have got lots of work to do, but I am going to try to get along along until ? ? ? & George can help. I hope you keep well & that Ma improves. Hope to hear you are getting a long better

Love & best wishes Claude

Does Ma talk much to you?

Was fishing a little while sunday morning & caught 3 trout one weighed 1.5 pounds & the 3 weighed 2.25

Last change May 22, 201703:08:42

by: James Bly
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Austin Odell Jr.
September 22, 1851172Blue Mounds, Dane County, Wisconsin, USA2September 16, 19378685Merillan Village, Jackson County, Wisconsin, USAMay 23, 2017 - 7:37:06 p.m.
Claude Clayton Odell
March 5, 1878146Wisconsin, USA019527273May 23, 2017 - 5:08:44 p.m.
Daisy Myrtle Odell
Daisy Myrtle Claflin
January 1, 1880
144Modena, Buffalo County, Wisconsin, USA2June 7, 19378657Mondovi, Buffalo County, Wisconsin, USAMay 23, 2017 - 2:36:26 p.m.