James Bly Research

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Interactive tree of Theodemir of the Suevi

Theuderic III King of the Franks 654691
Martin de Laon 660708
Bertrada von Preum 676740
Pepin II “The Younger” d'Heristal 640714
Aupais 654705
Angisel von Metz 624685
Saint Begga of Landen 627694
Gunza von Metz 630
Guerin de Poitiers 630677
Saint Clodule von Metz 596690
Sigrade de Alsace 615677
Saint Arnulf von Metz 582640
Clothilde de Heristal 586615
Oda of the Suevi 567634
Bodegisel II de Aquitaine 562610
Theodemir of the Suevi